Certified patients registered with the Medical Cannabis Program may designate up to five caregivers. Designated caregivers with a valid registry ID are authorized to assist the patient with the possession, acquisition, delivery, transfer, transportation and/or administration of approved medical cannabis.
New York State medical cannabis caregivers must meet and comply with all laws, regulations, and guidance related to the adult-use cultivator license. Failure to comply with any current or future laws, rules, or regulations issued by the Cannabis Control Board may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to revocation of the designation.
Some common conditions patients use medical cannabis to find relief from include but are not limited to:

Get Designated as a Caregiver
After a certified patient or other appropriate person (for patients who are minors or incapable of consent, designates you as a caregiver on the patient registration, caregivers will be auto-registered and receive a registry ID document in addition to the patient certification. The registry ID can be printed or displayed on a smart device and used immediately in conjunction with a government-issued photo ID.
NOTE: A designated caregiver who has been issued a registry ID must notify the Medical Cannabis Program of any change in their name or address within 10 business days of such change. In some instances, but not all this may require a new registry ID request.
Facility Caregiver
To allow facilities to possess and administer approved cannabis products and provide continuity of care to certified patients, a facility may apply to become an Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) approved designated caregiver facility prior to being designated as a caregiver by a certified patient.
A “Designated Caregiver Facility” as defined by the MRTA is a facility that registers with the office to assist one or more certified patients with the acquisition, possession, delivery, transportation or administration of medical cannabis and is:
- A general hospital or residential health care facility operating pursuant to Article 28 of the Public Health Law
- an adult care facility operating pursuant to Title 2 of Article 7 of the Social Services Law
- a community mental health residence established pursuant to section 41.44 of the Mental Hygiene Law
- a hospital operating pursuant to section 7.17 of the Mental Hygiene Law a mental hygiene facility operating pursuant to Article 31 of the Mental Hygiene Law
- an inpatient or residential treatment program certified pursuant to Article 32 of the Mental Hygiene Law
- a residential facility for the care and treatment of persons with developmental disabilities operating pursuant to Article 16 of the Mental Hygiene Law
- a residential treatment facility for children and youth operating pursuant to Article 31 of the Mental Hygiene Law
- or a private or public school
- a research institution with an internal review board
- any other facility as determined by the Board in regulation
Buy Medical Cannabis
Certified patients or their designated caregivers who are registered with the medical cannabis program can purchase medical cannabis products, as well as cannabis plants or seeds for home cultivation, subject to availability, from a registered organization's dispensing facility in New York State.
Find Cannabis Products That are Right for Your Patients
It can be overwhelming to figure out which product might work best for your patients. In addition to consulting with your practitioner, each medical cannabis dispensary in NYS has pharmacists on-site to help patients find the right product for their condition and desired effect.
NOTE: Utilizing cannabis does not require you to smoke or get “high.”
Purchase Limits
Patients or their designated caregivers, can purchase up to a 60-day supply of medical cannabis. The healthcare provider can limit dosing recommendations, and/or issue the certification for a specified date that is less than a year. The healthcare provider should use professional judgment to determine the appropriate length of treatment. When dispensing to patients, registered organizations must follow the recommendations or limitations provided by the certifying health care provider.
Find a Medical Dispensary
A listing of all legal medical cannabis dispensaries in New York State officially licensed by the Office of Cannabis Management can be found using the button below.
What to Bring to the Dispensary
Caregivers, when visiting the dispensary, be sure to bring these items with you:
- Your caregiver registry ID number,
- Your patient’s certification, and
- A government-issued photo ID
The patient’s certification will contain a registry ID and can be used immediately in conjunction with a government issued photo ID to buy medical cannabis from a licensed medical dispensary in New York State. If you registered prior to March 20, 2023, and have a registry ID card, you do not need to bring a photo ID.
NOTE: If your patient is under the age of 18 or incapable of providing consent for medical treatment, at the time of patient registration, this patient will require the following someone over 21 years old, to be designated as the patient’s caregiver. This caregiver will be auto-registered at the time of certification and receive a registry ID document in addition to the patient certification.
How can a patient or caregiver tell if they are buying regulated, lab tested products from a licensed medical cannabis dispensary?
To make sure you are purchasing cannabis from a licensed dispensary, here are the steps to take:
1. After locating a dispensary, look for the Dispensary Verification Tool.
All licensed dispensaries are issued a Dispensary Verification Tool which is posted in the storefront. Scan the QR code to be directed to OCM’s website with a list of all licensed medical cannabis dispensaries.

2. When buying cannabis products, locate the Universal Symbol.
Every regulated medical cannabis product sold will also include the below New York State "universal symbol" designating it as a tested, regulated product. Consumers should check both the storefront for the Dispensary Verification Tool and the product label to ensure they're purchasing a regulated product. More examples of the "universal symbol" can be found here.

3. Check for a QR code or link to your product’s “Certificate of Analysis” or CoA.
All regulated products will have a QR code or link to that product’s lab testing results called a Certificate of Analysis (CoA). All cannabis products must pass lab testing before being sold at licensed adult-use or medical dispensaries. Lab testing ensures cannabis products available are safer to consume and are accurately labeled with potency.
Medical Home Cultivation
Effective October 5, 2022, designated caregivers 21+ who are registered with the medical cannabis program may cultivate cannabis at home on behalf of their patient(s) who is either younger than 21 years of age or whose physical or cognitive impairments prevent them from cultivating cannabis for themselves. Designated caregivers with 2+ patients, can cultivate, harvest, and dry up to 12 cannabis plants for medical use.
Medical Home Grow Fact Sheet
A fact sheet for certified patients and designated caregivers about growing medical cannabis at home.
Medical Cannabis Home Cultivation Guide
A guide for certified patients and designated caregivers on medical cannabis cultivation at home.
Get Involved
Incident Reporting
You may report the following using the Incident Reporting Form:
- an adverse health event which includes any troublesome or undesired medical occurrence or symptom associated with the use of a cannabis product.
- a concern about a cannabis business which includes businesses that sell cannabis products including unlicensed business locations, sales to a minor or consumption in unauthorized areas
- or a concern regarding a cannabis product, such as product safety, product mislabeling, product formulation or product expiration date.