Cannabis Banking Directory

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Taking bold actions to encourage social justice, public health and economic development in the lives of all New Yorkers
Office of Cannabis Management

The Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act creates a first in the nation comprehensive regulatory structure to oversee the licensure, cultivation, production, distribution, sale and taxation of medical, adult-use and cannabinoid hemp within New York State. 

Comprehensive Regulatory Framework
Social Justice

Establishes a robust social and economic equity program to actively encourage members from communities disproportionately impacted by the policies of prohibition to participate in the new industry.

Public Health & Safety

Administers a sophisticated quality assurance regulatory structure including standards for production and manufacturing, strict product testing, labeling, packaging and advertising to ensure products are safer for consumers and not targeted to youth.

Economic Development

Encourages small business and farmers to participate in the cannabis industry with the creation of microbusiness, cooperative and delivery license types.

Find a Dispensary
Adult-Use Retail Dispensaries

All regulated, licensed dispensaries must post the dispensary verification tool near their main entrance.

Medical Dispensaries

Registered patients can buy medical cannabis products from dispensing facilities operated by registered organizations across New York State.

The 2024 OCM Annual Reports Now Available!
2024 OCM Annual Report

The annual report describes progress and accomplishments to date by the Cannabis Control Boardand the Office of Cannabis Management regarding implementation of the Cannabis Law. 



2024 OCM Chief Equity Officer Annual Report

The Chief Equity Officer's annual report details the progress made by the Chief Equity Officer and the Social and Economic Equity Team at the Office of Cannabis Managementduring the 2024 calendar year.



2024 OCM Enforcement Report

The New York State OCM Enforcement report details enforcement efforts and community collaborations to close illicit shops across the State.





SEE Plan

 Pursuant to the Cannabis Law, the Cannabis Control Board is charged with the creation and implementation of a social and economic equity plan in consultation with the Chief Equity Officer and Executive Director, and after receiving public input. The goals of the plan include the promotion of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity when issuing licenses and the promotion of diversity in commerce, ownership and employment, and opportunities for social and economic equity in the regulated cannabis industry. 


read the report

SOCIAL and economic equity overview

Report an Adverse Event, a Cannabis Business Issue, or a General Product Complaint
You may report the following using the Incident Reporting Form: an adverse health event which includes any troublesome or undesired medical occurrence or symptom associated with the use of a cannabis product, a concern about a cannabis business which includes businesses that sell cannabis products including unlicensed business locations, sales to a minor or consumption in unauthorized areas, or a concern regarding a cannabis product, such as product safety, product mislabeling, product formulation or product expiration date.
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